Here are some paintings - Aqui hay unas pinturas

Los Articulos September 2024

Being a white Mexican American, I’ve related to Miklo from Blood in Blood out and found this event a great opportunity to connect and share a bit of my life experiences with the audience. This is a self portrait piece exploring identity, labels and stereotypes. Based on what I look like, people have a preconceived idea of who I am without even knowing me. In this series I created a few images of words I've been called. I would like to challenge everyone to try and see/greet new people with a blank slate and treat them as their own unique individual.

Digital Work in Procreate

Digital Work in Procreate

Acrylic and Tempera

Muchas de estas pinturas fueron creadas en conjunto con mis hijos Leo y Pablo. La tecnica es simple, posiciona un lienzo en el suelo y acomoda varias pinturas alrededor. Permitele a los niños escoger los colores, y las cantidades, Dejalos que pinten y hagan lo que se les de la shingada gana dijeras. Al mismo tiempo yo me tome la libertad de hacer lo mismo, y juntos fuimos creando la base de la pintura. De ahi se trabaja con pinceles, dedos, patas, lo que sea, el chiste es divertirse. Yo como adulto y la mente ya corrupta le fui metiendo pincel y mas o menos creando cosas que veia en mi mente.

Lil Bro Series

This is a series inspired by my sons Leo drawing of "lil bro"

Lorem Ipsum


Cash rules everything around me, C R E A M! get the money! dolla dolla billz yall!